Monday, 8 September 2014

#MTOS on Oscars

This Sunday, 14th September 2014, @DanBonnington will be hosting #MTOS and the topic of choice is Oscars.

Please find below the questions for the evening. Hope to see you all there.

Q1: Who is in your opinion the most undeserved best actor or actress Oscar winner?

Q2: And who was the most deserved winner who didn't win one? 

Q3: Martin Scorsese finally won an award for The Departed, but should he have won one before and if so for which film/films?

Q4: Inception was cruelly snubbed a few years back, do you think sci-fi movie ever win Best Picture, if not why? 

Q5: Which actors/actresses/films are early Oscar contenders for next year? 

Q6: What's the best film to not be nominated for best picture?

Q7: Which Oscar win surprised you the most?

Q8: Who would you most like to see host the awards show and why?

Q9 If you could add a new award to be given at next years Oscars what would it be?

Q10: If you had to choose 5 best picture nominated films to be nominated for an all time best picture what would they be?

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