Saturday, 17 November 2012

#MTOS Hosting Spots - January - April 2013

Hello and welcome to another round of #MTOS Hosting for the months of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL - 2013.

First, I would really like for everyone interested in hosting #MTOS to go through this entire post before commenting below. 

As always, we would like to thank all the past hosts and participants without whom we would not exist. We have had so much love from everyone, even if they do not take part, we cannot thank you enough. From mentions in podcasts to ReTweets to just generally being exited and talking about #MTOS, you all make #MTOS what it is today. So, THANK YOU, and YOU, and YOU!!

Now, getting down to business, we have had tremendous interest for the hosting duties of #MTOS.To make things a little simpler this is how you can sign-up for being a host from the start of January till the end of April;

The good news is that we are going to start repeating topics and hosts, so if you want to host a topic we might have had before or you have hosted before, GO FOR IT! (Although if you do have a new theme, we would appreciate that)

Below, I have mentioned all the dates that are available for hosting in the months of January-April 2013. Please remember that all dates lie on a Sunday and #MTOS begins at 20:00 GMT. As a host you will also be responsible for writing a blog with the 10 questions relating to your theme on the Tuesday before your hosting date. We have also recently started this very #MTOS blog and if you want a HOST PROFILE of yourself posted here just let us know and we will send you the desired questions (You can see some of the previous host profiles if you scroll down).  

All you have to do in order to host is comment below with your preferential date, your theme, and your twitter handle. There are a total of 17 spots that are available. 

IMPORTANT: Please read the following points carefully before commenting below;

Please, before commenting, read all the comments to make sure you are not duplicating a date that has already been taken. If you do duplicate, we cannot guarantee you a spot at a later date.

Kindly select only one date. If you are unsure, select a later or earlier date. If you mention two dates in your post, once again we will be unable to guarantee you a spot on either of the dates.

Also, please try and make sure that your theme has not been taken before. If you do select a theme and want to change it later, you may do so. If you are unsure, simply state the Theme as "To Be Decided" for now.

Lastly, please make sure that your comment is showing in the comment box, by refreshing the page.

All this might seem a tad complicated, but we felt it would be the fairest way to go about selecting the hosts.

The way #MTOS is going, I am sure we will continue to have the event for a long time, so please if you do not get a spot this time, you will surely have a better chance in the next round of bookings that we plan to open in March/April. Also you can always place yourself on standby for cancellations by letting @askimrach know.


06 January - @TGP73 back to school
13 January - @movi3lounge spy films
20 January - @rosstmiller tbc
27 January - @marcellineblock remakes

03 February - @poppeelings actors
10 February - @i_nesbot comicbook adaptations
17 February - @filmyarn tbc
24 February - @jurassicgriffin tbc

MARCH 2013
03 March - @beasleyonfilm stanley kubrick
10 March - @chrisrus1 oscars past and present 
17 March - @aftermoviediner tbc
24 March - @nafissaG2 tbc
31 March - @edgeloading tbc

APRIL 2013
07 April - @darthbx tbc
14 April - @thefilmninja tbc
21 April - @darthelvis tbc
28 April - @screenone summer blockbusters

Thank you


  1. Please can I take 06.01.13 with the theme of 'Back To School' - @TGP73

  2. Hello, I would like to host the #MTOS session for January 6th on Spy Films. My twitter handle is or @movi3lounge.

    Thank you!

  3. Seeing that someone chose the date before me, can I be put down for the 13th of January?

    Thank you.

  4. Can I take January 20th? My topic is still "To Be Decided" Thanks, @rosstmiller

  5. Can I have 3rd March with Stanley Kubrick as my topic please?


  6. One of the remaining January slots (about remakes)? Thank you so much, all the very best, Marcelline @marcellineblock

  7. I could do 3rd march, week after the oscars and topic about the oscars past and present winners. Has that been done before?
    Twitter is @chrisrus1

  8. February 24th. I have no theme yet, but I'll think up something. Don't worry.

  9. i'm easy like a Sunday morning. any date, and i'll think of a topic... maybe Comic Book Adaptations?
    Who knows?!

  10. 28th April please - 2013 Summer blockbusters

  11. Hey, can you put me down for 21 April - will have a think of topic and get back to you. Thanks!
