Monday, 6 July 2015

#MTOS Questions by @MarcellineBlock for #MTOS, July 12, 2015

Actors of the French cinema

1.   If you could have dinner with any actor/actress of French cinema, who would it be, and why? 

2.   The images on the cover of the book French Cinema in Close-up are taken from which French film? Please name it. Can you name another film by the same director?

3.    Name some actors of the French cinema who were/are also famous singers. 

4.     Name two French cinema actors who, if they had not pursued acting careers, would have instead become pork butchers.

5.      Name some French actors in non-French-language films/roles. Do you have any favorite performances?

6.      French actors/actresses as style icons/muses for fashion designers. Who is your favorite style/fashion icon from the world of French cinema? 

7.       If an actor/actress of the French cinema were to play you in a movie about your life, who would it be, and why? 

8.      Which actor/actress would you like to see more often on the screen?

9.       In your opinion, name some of the best (or the best) director-actor teams in French cinema.

10.   Who are your favorite acting duos in French cinema?

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